Mankelow korero - family news in the build-up to Ngaroma Centenary and Mankelow family reunion.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Christmas korero

Christmas is a time more than any other when family is the most important thing. Mankelow descendants around the world will all be with their families on that one special day – 25 December – isn’t that a pleasant thought?
Here are just a few different ways that people around the world say Merry Christmas!
Argentine: Feliz Navidad
Croatian: Sretan Bozic
French: Joyeux Noel
Galician: Bo Nada
Greek: Kala Christouyenna!
Hawaiian: Mele Kalikimaka
Indonesian: Selamat Hari Natal
Korean: Sung Tan Chuk Ha
Maori: Meri Kirihimete
Portuguese: Feliz Natal
Rumanian: Sarbatori vesele
Samoan: La Maunia Le Kilisimasi Ma Le Tausaga Fou
Serbian: Hristos se rodi.
Thai: Sawadee Pee Mai
Vietnamese: Chung Mung Giang Sinh

Call for keen committee members
This newsletter is all about keeping in touch and generating momentum in preparation for the big family reunion planned for 2012. Next year, we’d like to start the ball really rolling with the establishment of a steering committee to start planning the big event. Before the next family get together we’d like expressions of interest from people keen to lend their time and skills. The committee will probably only meet two or three times in the first year to work our goals and how we are going to achieve them. We need people with good organisational skills, fund-raising skills etc.
If you are interested, contact Chrissie Mankelow at her new email address:

Financial report
The bank account as at the 21 November is at $2,732.55 with $5,081.17 in the term deposit so it is looking good; thanks to all who are contributing.
Bob Ford has donated a Rata stool to raffle or auction at the next get together for funds.

In our last newsletter we mentioned that the plaque on the memorial rock was being updated. This went to plan, with Uncle Bert attaching it with the help of Les Disher, oldest grandson.

In the photo are; Craig Kaaka, Lyn, Marama's eldest Lachlin Reid, Uncle Bert, Royce, Marama Kaaka and Lloydie.

Betty Powell passed away on 17 Oct. We wish all the Mankelow family a very Merry Xmas and all the very best for the New Year. Margie Pryor & Ian Powell Australia

New Mankelows

Royce and Chrissie are proud to announce the birth of their first grandchild - son to Jessica Mankelow and Matt Brown on 19 November -9lb 5ozs. (left)
Clive has a new grandson - Wiremu Uira Pennell - to Luana and Gordon on 2 November -8lb 1ozs. Wiremu with sister Kahu Rangi. (right)

Newsworthy Mankelow
Joy and Bob Miller would like to share this cutting of their granddaughter - see above.

Ray and Barb’s European Excursion

Our daughter Jeantine had offered us a trip to see her in Amsterdam as her 60th birthday gifts for both of us and this was planned from mid-July with Ray having to be back at work on the 1st September... (Photo shows Ray with Alan Mankelow)

Read on at

Introducing: Chrissie Georgina Mankelow

Branch of the family tree: I'm married to Royce, second son of Hector. We have 4 children, 12 grandchildren and one great-grandson.

Current employment: Retired but was a nurse most of my working life.

What keeps you busy? Interests: Gardening, trying to keep Mabel’s garden looking not too bad. Genealogy, reading historical novels and hand crafts. A lot of these have had to go on the back-burner while I put together the book of memories of 100 years in Ngaroma.

Most memorable life moment: The first time I set foot in Graceland Memphis U.S.A. I expected to see a mansion but although it had beautiful furniture etc. it still seemed to be a family home and not as big as I thought.

My favourite part of N.Z. and why: Adam Rd. where we have our small block of land with all my family and things around me.

Who/what would you be for a day: A well loved and fed cat with no cares in the world.

Currently on my CD player: Elvis and Country and Western music.

Where will you find me at 10pm on a Saturday night: in bed most nights.

Favourite quote? Do unto others as you would have them do to you. An oldy but goody.

I am inspired by: My dad who was a hard working and gentle man.

If I could give you just one tip, it would be:
family is really important - be there for them no matter what.

The photo is of Nathan at 1 week and myself. Contact Chrissie at

If you are about to change email addresses, or know a family member who has recently changed their email address, please let me know to update the mailing list of Mankelow Korero. ContactSarah at

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